Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You're Not Shaken

I am sinking in the river that is raging
I am drowning, will I ever rise to breathe again?
I want to know why, I just want to understand
Will I ever know why
How could this be from Your Hand?
When every little thing that I dream of being
Just slips away like water from my hands
and when it seems the walls of my beliefs
come crashing down like they're all made of sand
I won't let go of you now, because I know
That You're not shaken.

I am trembling in the darkness of my own fear
All the questions with no answers
they grip me while I'm here
and I may never know why
and I may never understand
But I will lift up my eyes
and trust this is Your plan

I know You're in the valley of the shadow of death
and You're not shaken...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Something That Came From Heaven
My Michael, I love you.


I find myself trying very hard to deny God's presence, especially when it invades my circle of defenses. Over time, I have carefully carved out a safe spot far down inside my own determination and stand in defiance over His eventual and expected intrusion. Oddly enough, I think the reason why I love Him so much is because He doesn't always knock before He enters. He loves to just storm into my deepest parts and start turning over tables, clearing spaces, and setting things free. I struggle with my indifference and I have all kinds of objections to His leadings, but still, He is always there.
I freely admit that there is a lot of sadness hidden in the center of my hardened heart. I become impaled by my thoughts of my own personal self-worth at least one hundred times a day. But when I look up, He is beside me. He lifts me up and stands face to face with me in the circle of my despair. He often describes me as He sees me and not how I see myself.
This is why I often fall to my knees, to the earth beneath my faltering feet...lay down my sword, and weep into the dirt from whence I came. This is the place where I find that I am precious in His sight. And that's all that matters to me.

Love, Rescue Me

Love, rescue me
Come forth and speak to me
Raise me up and don't let me fall
No man is my enemy
My own hands imprison me
Love, rescue me
Many strangers I have met
On the road to my regret
Many lost who seek to find themselves in me
They ask me to reveal
The very thoughts they would conceal
Love, rescue me
And the sun in the sky
Makes a shadow of you and I
Stretching out as the sun sinks in the sea
I am here without a name
In the palace of my shame
Love, rescue me
In the cold mirror of a glass
I see my reflection pass
See the dark shades of what I used to be
See the purple of her eyes
The scarlet of my lies
Love, rescue me


This blog post is for a friend of mine. They know who they are.
Take all of your wasted honor
Every little past frustration
Take all of your so-called problems
better put them in quotations
Say what you need to say...
Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head
Living out the same old moment
Knowing you'd be better off instead
If you could only...
Say what you need to say.
Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over
You'd better know that in the end
It's better to say too much
Than never say what you need to say again
So even if your hands are shaking
and your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open
Say what you need to say.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Celebration

Abigail just turned two. I can't believe that she has been a part of our lives for two whole years. When we first brought her home from the hospital, I kept thinking to myself, "am I ever going to get my life back?" Now, I sit in amazement every day and wonder if life gets any better than this. She is such an awesome kid. She loves jesus. She loves to pray. She loves to scream. She loves to sing and dance and make up songs about herself. The other day, I was watching her with her new baby doll that she got for her birthday. She was putting a blanket over it and feeding it a bottle. She kept saying, "don't cry baby, it's okay." I had to turn my head so that I wouldn't laugh out loud from watching her. It was really sweet to see that she is already very nurturing. She hurts when others hurt. If she see you crying, she'll come and give you a hug. She says hello to people everywhere we go, so much that it's hard to stay strangers. She has memorized everyone's name in our church so that she can say hello to them every Sunday morning. It means a lot to people and they tell her. They tell her that they appreciate her and they tell her that she is a blessing. I think that my daughter is doing an excellent job in cultivating a spirit of community where we live. Mike and I are trying hard to follow her example.

Growing Up... Abigail

Abigail speaks very well. Sometimes I forget how little she is because she sounds like a ten year old when she talks. Tonight, we were walking home from church and she pointed at the sunset and said, "Jesus made that for us Mommy." Some time ago, someone in Sunday school taught her that God lives up in the sky (which by the way, I don't quite agree with) so I told her that God lives in her heart. So, tonight when she stopped to stare at the sky, I asked her what she thought of all the warm colors. She said, "that sure is a big house." It took me by surprise when she said it because I wasn't sure if I understood it correctly. I kind of chuckled and she grabbed my thumb and said, "c'mon Mommy, I open the door." Mike had given her the keys to the house and she had them in her hand. When we got into the house, Abigail got her bath and we brushed her hair. She also loves to sit on our bathroom counter and brush her teeth. When we got done, we prayed. Not because it was bedtime, but because we had a good day today. And we had a good conversation about the sunset. I wanted to thank God for making it. So did she. When we were done praying, she said, " Thank you Jesus, Amen."