Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Food For Thought

Mike and I are excited about planting a garden this spring. We have been talking about growing our own food for a long time, and now that it is starting to get a little warmer outside, we can do it. I am not really educated about growing food, but I know I like food so I am hoping that it will prove to be more fun than difficult. What I am most excited about is showing Abigail how to help us. Currently, we make all of her food at home instead of buying baby food in a jar or box. It is less expensive and better for her since most of the food that we eat is organic or natural. We try not to eat a lot of foods that are loaded with preservatives or artificial ingredients. I know that she is eating healthy. I am hoping that she will continue this as an adult if we teach her that it is better, but for now I am just happy that she is not a picky eater. She had rolled oats for breakfast, and she had brown rice, beets, and apples for lunch. For dinner, she had half of an avocado and some milk. She seems to love eating this way and as long as she doesn't think she has an option, I will continue to feed it to her. I want her to learn how to pick her favorite foods from our garden. I want to teach her where food comes from and how to take care of nature and God's creation. I want to teach her how to cook too, and I am excited for the day she wants to make a big mess making cookies in our house. I don't see a lot of children outdoors anymore and I don't want Abigail to be like that. When I was a kid, I played outside and I got dirty. I went swimming in the lake and dug up worms for fishing, played TAG and caught fireflies. Now, most kids sit in front of the TV playing video games. They like McDonald's and Burger King. If it's processed and convenient, or if it comes in a package that they can just rip open and eat, then it saves time. That's something that we all need...more time. In conclusion, I plan to spend "more time" teaching my beloved child (children) about the wonderful things that God created, like playing in the grass and counting the stars. I will read to them about how time began...
in a garden.

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